Sunday, January 29, 2006

Party in Paradise!

This is the blog about cricket.
Do you remember the first cricket match? Played under the hot sun by the river while the lucky crowd watched with bated breath uder the shade of the big tree in the park...
And our very first man of the match announced by the birthday boy himself? Yes, it was Rebecca Hudson in all her long hair hippy glory! Go Girl!

Right, there's the riverside picnic from Joe1, and Scalesy, the amazing mystery musical guest! Look at how keen all the cricketers are - I think that's the year joe got out on his first go, thank god his back is to us, i hate to see the birthday boy cry... remember the old picnic tables at the club from the first few years? No? well maybe you should drink less... and of course, look at Ben. Proud Ben. Proud father to be Ben. and Husband to be Ben. Between him catching the baby at Joe3 and Marika catching the bouquet at Amy and Krisso's wedding, well, there should be something happening at their house soon...
Hasn't anyone else taken photos at all? please feel free to send them to me and I will post them and give you photo credit. I know that's whats holding you back

Rockin Red Rock

This is where y'all are coming too. some of you haven't been here before and don't remember, some of you have been here and don't remember...
this should refresh yer memories!